The June 2010 Just Posts

Welcome to the Just Posts, a collection of posts on topics of social justice hosted here and at Cold Spaghetti.

The posts of this months roundtable were nominated by:

If you have a post in the list above, or would just like to support the Just Posts, we invite you to display a button on your blog with a link back here, or to the Just Posts at Cold Spaghetti. If you would like to have a post included next month, you can find out how to submit posts and all sorts of other stuff about the Just Posts at the information page.

13 thoughts on “The June 2010 Just Posts

  1. Thank you and I am justly honored to have my unofficial oil spill update post listed here. Keep up the good work of showing us these awesome posts (by women) and more power to each of you.
    Bayou Woman

    1. You’re welcome, and thank you! The Just Posts wouldn’t happen without people writing the posts.

      As for being awesome posts by women, you make me realize we need to see more men represented!

  2. You’re welcome, subWOW. And please don’t feel embarrassed! Sharing worthwhile content is still very valuable, and the Just Posts are about sharing information as well as highlighting great writing.

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