petals of metal (friday foto finder: floral)

A gate in Barcelona, with stylized blooms and thorns.

For somebody who is not especially partial to flowers, I sure do take and post a lot of photos of flowers. I guess that’s why this week’s friday foto finder theme of “floral” made me think to find something floral that wasn’t actually flowers. Turns out I also did that once when the theme was “flower,” what with my iron flowers of hardware on a rusty vintage tractor. This time, though, I have a range of metal flowers from near and far that were actually designed to depict flowers.

Close-up of the Barcelona blooms.

Another fence in Barcelona.

Flower-shaped window grates at Boston University.

A Dublin streetlamp with shamrocks. (More leafy than flowery, but still flora if not actually floral…)

An iron bench with a flower pattern (and a lion face) at a Massachusetts farm.

To see what other flowers have been picked for the theme, and/or to share your own, check out the fff blog.

cute kids (friday foto finder: cute)

This week’s friday foto finder theme is “cute.” It cannot be denied that cuteness abounds in my photo library. I have ever so much cuteness to choose from, but are you really surprised that I thought of sharing photos of cute kids?

Kids at play.

A kid at rest.

A very stylish kid.

And it must be noted that young children cannot resist the charms of cute kids.

If you think you can handle more cute, or have some cute to share yourself, head on over to the fff blog.

ducklings in a row

I found this draft of a post that I’d started in 2013. Not sure why didn’t get around to posting it. It looks like it was a friday foto finder post for the theme of “ducks“. Anyhow, I wanted to post something today, but I have a bad cold and a splitting headache, so not enough mental capacity to get any new ducks in a row.

The mama duck has all (or most of) her ducks in a clump.

Now she has her ducks in a row.

So fuzzy.

Mama-baby moment.

I love the little pouf of down on this little guy’s head. (And of course I love the rippled reflections on the water.)

driftwood (friday foto finder)

The theme for this week’s friday foto finder is “driftwood,” which while rather intriguing as a theme, is also rather specific. My photo archives are not adrift with driftwood. Happily, the theme did bring to mind a spot we sometimes visit in the summer along the Hudson River, where we have admired chunks of driftwood along the river bank.

These photos were all from June of 2013.

To see what other chunks of wood have washed up on others’ shores, pay a visit to the fff blog.

boughs of holly (friday foto finder: Christmas Decoration)

This week’s friday foto finder theme is “Christmas Decoration.” My own halls remain undecked, but these holly boughs I came across last December would make an attractive decoration. Except all the snow on them would melt and leave puddles in the halls. Does the song specify that the boughs of holly should be free of ice and snow? Because that could be a real mess.

To see what festive arrangements might be decking some other halls, ride your sleigh over to the fff blog.

minty miniature metropolis (friday foto finder: mint)

This week’s friday foto finder theme is “mint.” Seeing as we are heading towards Christmas, mint made me think of candy canes. I haven’t taken many photos of candy canes, it turns out. And I didn’t much in the way of time to take a new photos this week. (Have I mentioned how busy I’ve been?) But I did remember this impressive candy display in the lobby of the Empire State Building when we visited there a few Decembers ago. There are quite a few candy canes to be found in the scene, as well as plenty of other minty candies.

Want to share some mints of your own, or partake of the other mints on display? Pay a visit to the fff blog. (Don’t worry, not all mints there will be as bad for the teeth as these.)

down the stream, or up the creek (friday foto finder: stream)

Given that yesterday was Thanksgiving here in the US, I find myself being nostalgic for the many Thanksgivings I had at my grandmother’s house growing up. Unpacking various pieces of china and serving ware to put away in our new house, assorted family heirlooms that I remember from my childhood, and using the buffet that was from my grandmother’s house has filled me with a steady stream of memories. It is no surprise, then, that seeing this week’s friday foto finder theme of “stream” brought to mind one body of water: the one in the town where my grandmother had lived.

These photos are from May of 2005, the last time I visited that town. The creek that runs through Beulah, Colorado ranges from a tiny trickle in times of drought (which Beulah sees quite often) to a rushing torrent in the spring, gushing with the runoff from the snowmelt up in the higher mountains. During that visit, the creek (pronounced “crick” by many locals) was quite high.

My mother and I walked down to see the place where the creek crosses Central Avenue. At this junction, the creek calmly flows under the road through some pipes for much of the year. But in the spring, the creek insists on crossing the road. Cars and trucks typically drive right through the creek, but happily there is a little bridge for pedestrians who aren’t wearing their waders.

To see what other streams are flowing, merrily row yourself over to the fff blog.

stumped (again)

This week’s friday foto finder theme was “parcel,” and it turned out to be a theme that left me stumped. Since I can’t seem to come up with any photos of parcels tonight, instead I’ll offer photos of stumps.

A stump in Nara, Japan, 2004. (Yes, I know where I saw this stump.)

A stump in Beulah, Colorado in 2005 (I had help from my metadata to remember this stump.)

This one’s from 2011, according to my photo library metadata. I believe it is in New York state.

This stump is from Oakland, California from 2012. (Again, I remembered the location of this stump, if not the date.) (Also, if I had more images like it, I could make another post along the lines of these two.)

This one was from Massachusetts, later in 2012. It reminds me a bit of a volcano.

This one was from New York state as well, at a sculpture garden. (I confess I did not remember where I saw this stump, at least without checking back for other photos taken that day. Maybe there is some hope left for me.)

This one’s really more of a gnarled root than a stump. (From the Marin Highlands, in Sausalito, CA, 2014).

So there are a whole bunch of stumps. Indeed, one could say that I have presented a parcel of stumps. (If one were so inclined…) To see a parcel of potentially more parcel-like parcels, pay a visit to the fff blog.

boating in the wake (friday foto finder: ferry)

This week’s friday foto finder theme is “ferry.” It’s true that you can’t see much of the ferry in the ferry in this photo taken on a ferry ride from Oakland to San Francisco. But you can certainly see that it’s there… To see what other ferries have been found, head on over to the fff blog.